
Saturday, August 6, 2016

Stash Aquisition Saturday

Yes, I know.....but it was my birthday week!

So the kit that I could not find last week....
It's the Summer Lovin' Kit by Berry Colorful Yarning on etsy. There are still some available.  She did an example of the striping sock and I had to have it.  The little bags are cute, but I'm just not sure what to do with them, as they are small.  But the stitch markers are cute....But it's the yarn...I'm all about the yarn!

Some alpaca from our farm tour.  They are new to the business.  The yarn was a tad bit expensive (I felt) but I want to support small farms.  This is natural, undyed, however it is blended with some mohair.  It came from the mama alpaca, named Bolt.

And when I went back to Madwool for last week's Knit on the Beach, I bought some big, bulky Wool and the Gang!  It's in Sandtrooper Beige.  I plan on crocheting a big cowl.  I have a big black bulky cowl I crocheted two years ago and it's my go-to cowl.  So I wanted another one, but not white...

I also got
because it was on sale and I've been wanting some green self stripe.  This is made in Connecticut.  I had also ordered a green self stripe that morning, but the greens are different.

On my birthday, we headed to the Berkshires and I hit up a yarn store Ive wanted to visit for awhile.
This will be an Endless Rainbow.  I am making two of her patterns now and I have plans to make others...surprisingly, I've never made Hitchhiker. This is Ella Rae Lace Merino DK.  It's a tonal, but has a green tinge to it....The variagated will make it seem like an autumnal shawl.

Also picked up this, because it was fun...It's Delicious Yarns in Oatmeal Mix 2

And I received a Random Fandom club yarn.  It is "I Know You Are, But What Am I?"  Not sure about the reference.

I know I have two more club yarns on the way, and two things I ordered, so I may have another Stash Acquisition next Saturday....

But if you'd like to play along this you go....let's all drool over the yarnz!


  1. Lovely yarns!!!! Going to have to head back to Etsy lol

  2. The little bags are for things like stitch markers, darning needles, and all those little things...
