
Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Stitch Along Wednesday: Week 31

Good morning my friends!!!!!

Today is my 48th birthday!  I don't feel 48 (well except maybe my joints) and I don't look 48 (good genes)...but I am....I think we are just going to take a car trip today to the Berkshires....I may visit a yarn shop, I've wanted to try and we'll find someplace to eat, unfortunately, we can't stay over...but it'll be a fun day of exploring....

So I finished something this week...if you follow me on Instagram, you have seen it...I'll post it on Friday...

I also started something new yesterday, as I needed something mindless for Knit Night at the Beach...

It's a simple cowl...
And I am on the fourth and final section of Edgy Carol!
I'm loving how crazy it looks!

I am also participating for the second year in GISHWHES.....I can't share anything about it until it is over...but let me just say...Dessert Fairy.......

What about your week?  As always, please link...have a great day!


  1. Happy birthday!!!!!!! Sounds like a great way to spend to the day. Happy yarn shopping! Edgy Carol is beautiful!!!!

  2. Happy Birthday! Love that Edgy Carol scarf/shawl!

  3. Happy birthday - have a great day.
