
Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Stitch Along Wednesday: Week #32

Good morning my peeps!  It is grey and yucky here...thunderstorms possible...yesterday I went to the doctor and am on meds for a double ear infection.  My ears have hurt since last Thursday.  This is probably the most painful ear infection I've had in hurts to lay on my left side....Yes, I'm a 48 year old woman who still gets very bad ear infections, it's my allergies...I'm allergic to dust, so I always have allergies, they are not seasonal.  But I have also been crafting!

Worked on my Raspberry Beret yesterday.  I started it on the day Prince died.  It is the Rustling Leaves pattern by Alana Dakos in Sweet Georgia Cashluxe Fine in, of course, raspberry.  This yarn is just...omg! YUMMY!!!!!!!!  I have a little over 25% done.....

I've also been working on my Simple Cowl...I'm not in love with this color of orange, so can't wait for the next color!

I finished the new Harry Potter book and started this last's engrossing....Frank is a 9 year old boy, who is probably autistic....and very engaging....

And oh, found out a yarn store is closing...think I may be heading out there today....

How about you?  What have you been up to? Please link back, thanks!


  1. I like your Raspberry Beret! I just knit my first beret, and am thinking I need to make more of them. They are so pretty!

  2. I hope the antibiotics work quick and you are feeling better! I love the beret, so pretty! I cant' wait to read the Harry Potter book. Will be in the house later today. Just need to figure out how to knit and read at the same time LOL
    No WIPS for me today :( But that is ok.

  3. I hope you feel better soon. Cant wait to see your finished beret !

  4. I loved this book when I read it! Looking forward to more from this author.
    My favorite yarn shop in my area is closing in another week. I'm devasted! The owner is retiring. Happy for her - but sad for me. There are other yarn shops around me, but this one was the best for many reasons!

    Linda in VA

  5. Nice projects. Cloudy and drizzly here so we are hanging out for the day. I don't mind at all. Hope your ears are better soon. Kuwait definitely would not be the place for you with all the dust -- I certainly don't miss that or the extreme heat.

  6. I love anything with a leaf motif!!! (alana's patterns are all so great!!! I've actually knit this beret and it's among my favorites....great colour you chose!!!!!!)

  7. What a lovely leave pattern and the colour is gorgeous! Hope you will feel better soon.

  8. Love the raspberry beret! Looking forward to seeing the finished project.

    Hope your ears are better soon. I also hope that the tornado wasn't anywhere near you. The Weather Channel said they aren't exactly the normal thing in CT.

  9. Love the raspberry beret, so sweet that it has memories tied to its start like that. So sorry about your ear infection. Ear infections SUCK! Get well soon! And happy reading!!
