Saturday, October 29, 2016

Stash Acquisition Saturday

Well.....I received an email that an order had been delivered...yeah!!!!!

Desert Vista Dyeworks - Zombody's Eating Candy Corn

And Zombody's Driving the School Bus

I also received two new bags from OtterlyAdorableKnits
Pumpkin Sheep!!!!  And a Spiderwebs bag that glows in the dark!!!!  I love Otterly Adorable and have ordered custom bags from her......

So someone asked me about where I store it all....well...I'm going to be transparent here....
It's a bit of a mess right now, as I haven't been keeping up with it...when I get new is what I do...

1.  Take a photo (this may take a day or two and sometimes longer)
2.  Upload yarn to Ravelry...yep, I have almost my entire stash uploaded...this is a process....and right now I've been trying to delete all of my "big box" yarn....
As you can see, there is a yarn without a picture, so then I'll go back and look to see if I have a picture, if not, I'll pull the yarn and take a picture (I have hundreds of pictures of yarn on many different SD cards)
3.  Then I put the yarn into plastic bags....sometimes several together (club yarns, theme yarns, or if I've decided on a project, I'll put those yarns together)
4.  Then I find a spot in one of the tubs or baskets.....I have some tubs for specific yarns (MadColor) and the small green basket has yarns already wound.....

To be honest, right now, I am running out of room.....but I have a few more orders coming in and New England Fiber Festival next weekend...then it's crafting all winter long....the first spring festival is CT Sheep and Wool in April, unless I go to Vogue Knitting Live in January...I don't go every year...

That is my process and I can spend hours doing it...but it's also a kind of zen thing for me....I enjoy playing with my yarn and seeing what's new....

this is on my bed right now.....
Some of the yarns that need to be posted to Ravelry and bagged up...after I have lunch...I'm hungry!

Gonna throw the link, just in case anyone else wants to play...


Paula said...

Those bags! The pumpkin sheep is so cute. I have to have all the things that glow in the dark so now I have to go find that fabric.

Renee Anne said...

Okay, I don't feel so bad about my yarn closet. But, a couple weeks ago...yeah, it was bad in there. I took care of getting things put away.

Rhonda McDonald said...

now that I'm back in the classroom (and earning a living), I think I may be able to end my "fiber diet" and start acquiring more yarn!!!!!

Unknown said...

I would so love to dive through those boxes of yarn! Do you buy yarn specifically for projects now or do you usually just have some that would fit the bill?