
Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Stitch Along: Week 41

Good morning!  Yes, I am doing this on Wednesday morning....I took a personal day today, so I am home, at the moment....

I am on my fourth round of because of my compromised immune system...and the fact that I was already susceptible to sinus/ear infections and I work with "germ factories" as he put it...I will probably be sick more than usual this year...and probably going forward....

I was busy this week though, I finished 4 projects!!!!!!  I am still working on a bunch and won't let myself cast on anything new yet....

My Zombie Autumn's are first priority!  On the foot of sock one....

My Simple Cowl is coming along nicely....

Pair of socks, I cast on during my Vermont weekend....

All the projects from the side of my bed!  And I found one under the bed...and there are more on the shelves next to my bed...why I won't let myself cast on something new...I think I need to finish, at least 2 more projects first....but I do have two things that are time sensitive, so I may just start those two....

So how was your week?  How are things going in your neck of the woods?


  1. Finishing something sounds like a good plan. :)
    Hope you're feeling better.

  2. I'll be hitting a round of antibiotics for a double ear infection later today. I've not even been to the doctor yet but I already know the diagnosis. ::sigh::
