
Monday, October 10, 2016

Vermont Weekend

It's been awhile since I've excuses....but here I am to do some updating.....

The Hubs picked up a flyer for The Vermont Sheep and Wool show a couple months was the only New England show I hadn't been to, so we headed up there for a weekend.....the weather was crappy for the drive and the traffic was INSANE, but we finally reached our Inn in Woodstock a little after 8...
Our room was that one in the corner there on the second floor.....
It was a beautiful inn, The Jackson House Inn and the breakfast was insane!!!!  The chef is also the owner and sources everything locally....

On Saturday, we headed out for the show....and got lost...and the GPS kept trying to take us up and over the mountain on these teeny, tiny back roads.....we finally got to a road, where the Hubs got out to look and said...nothing has been down that road except a horse in we turned around...
I have a small car and the roads were the width of my car.....BUT, we stopped at a local Farmer's Market (cuz it had a port-a-potty and I had to GO!)...and I got these great earrings...and the Hbs, he got pickles and squash...
See that color?  The chartreuse?  That would be the theme of the weekend!  We finally made it to the show!  The parking directions were a bit confusing...but it was in a beautiful spot....of course I had to wear my Vermonter!
It was a good show, but it was pretty much all yarn, fiber and fleece....I was looking for a Halloween project dice...there were a few project bags in stalls, but not many....I was also looking for a mustard colored yarn...nope....I didn't take a ton of pictures...

This was my lunch...
Maple Cream...YUM!  We had another before we left the show, it was THAT GOOD!!!!!!!

So what did I buy?
See the color scheme?  I also bought a very cool pair of earrings made from wood....and the Hubs got soap....

It was a great trip and I'm glad we went....not sure I'd go again, but most of the vendors were new to me, so that was cool....and I bought my first sock blank, which is not in the picture....we had some great conversations with the vendors....we both said the people in Vermont were just so NICE!

I also stopped at two local yarn shops, but I'll post separately about them.....


  1. Wow, sounds like a great weekend! I want to pet all those sweet animals, especially the goats.

  2. Looks like a lovely trip. Vermont is beautiful. Can't wait to see all that gorgeous yarn turned into projects!
