
Thursday, November 24, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving

It made me laugh....I know there are controversies around this holiday...and especially this year with everything going on in North Dakota and the's not a big holiday in our's just the Hubs and me...he does the cooking, I usually craft.....sometimes we go out to his parents for a bit, sometimes Mom is in Florida, my brother and sisters do their own thing with their families and in-laws....

I'm not feeling well...not only am I still achey, putting those craft plans in jeopardy, but I've also had an upset stomach since yesterday afternoon...

But I do want to wish everyone a happy day...and I hope you are surrounded with lots of family, friends and food....

I have written this on Facebook and on Instagram this morning and I'll re-post it here:

"I am grateful for my students. Days can be long and frustrating, but never boring! I am grateful for the morning hug I receive from HB and her concern for my health. I am grateful for the afternoon hugs I receive from CR and HM. I am grateful that these three girls are from three different cultures, all speak two languages, with two of them learning a third. I am grateful that these students are our future. They are wonderful and kind and care about others. I am grateful that I get to teach to these remarkable little people and share in their growth."

I was feeling a lot of love for my students this morning....

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