
Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Stitch Along Wednesday: Week 52

Welcome to the last one of the year!  I hope you have had fun playing along!  I will be continuing into the next year...I'm going to change the picture...and maybe add a thing or two to the posts, we'll see....

So although I have put in a row or two here and there....I've really had no creative mojo for the past week or so...I WANT to work on things, but don't know WHAT I want to work on...bored by all my WIPs, but don't want to start anything new because of so many WIPs!  I've wound some yarn, but haven't done anything with it yet...sigh.....

I did do a Christmas Eve cast on, but the yarn took a LONG time to wind.....
The yarn is Mothy and the Squid in Candy Cane

I cast this on, the first night of The Walking Dead season and forgot about it....This is a Wurm hat...

 Today I go to my rheumatologist for my three month check-in, yesterday I had three cavities filled and Friday I have an eye doctor appointment....such a fun "vacation" week! 

How was everyone's holiday?  I didn't get any crafting goodness, but did get a gift certificate for my LYS.....

I will have a Finished Objects Friday post up this week....see you then!


  1. I haven't really played along, have I. But it's nice to be able to give it a chance next year. I might have a fo too on Friday. :-) Have a nice time! Regula

  2. I have been super duper lazy for weeks now so I know exactly how you are feeling.

  3. Your mojo problems sound very familiar. No new projects until something gets finished. Nothing gets finished because I keep getting bored. Socks are boring. Pussyhats are boring. Crochet is okay right now. I think I'll go do some.

  4. I haven't really been knitting :( hopefully in the new year I will though!
