
Thursday, December 1, 2016

Wrap Up Friday

Good evening folks!  Posting on Thursday for a Wrap Up Friday....

I only have one finish...a pair of thumbless mitts for little Lucy....I bought the kit at a farm stand during the Fiber Festival of New England....the yarn was from a sheep called Henry...
I hope you had a great week and a wonderful weekend....

I was on my way to school this morning and my knee started getting shooting pains through bad I started to I called in for a substitute...I was almost there, so I kept going to set my classroom up for a the time I got there I was having an emotional breakdown...I couldn't stop's the first time I cried since getting the diagnosis, and I know it is not as bad as getting a different type of diagnosis...but the reality is this is my life from now on...I'm only 48 and in constant sucks...I'm better now...came home, watched the rest of season 1 of The Crown, took a nap....but my hands are affected, so that is gong to slow down my crafting....I did order some compression gloves today...I'm hoping those will help...

Okay...BIG SIGH....I'm done....does anyone have something to link up this week?


  1. I'm so sorry to hear about your pain. I hope there are things that can be done to help with it. I've found that craft gloves (I think they are like the compression gloves) have helped me.

  2. The mittens are soooooo sweeeeet. :-)

  3. I, too, am sorry to hear of your pain. Take care and feel better soon.
