
Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Stitch Along Wednesday: Week 4

Good evening!  Can't believe I haven't posted in a week.....same ole', same ole'...I did do some things, and thought about posting, but just never made it to the computer....sigh...but here I am and I do have a new WIP....

On Saturday, I took the Fasttrac to Hartford and participated in the Women's Rally, wasn't a march here, but a rally...and I decided to cast on a sock in my new yarn....

Folding honor of Shirley Chisholm...Knitted Wit has created a sock yarn club this year entitled HerStory...I signed up for the first three can sign up in 3, 6 or 12 month runs....She is a new to me dyer...but it's off to a strong start.  I wouldn't have picked this yarn up for myself...but I'm actually loving it....
That's about all I've worked on this about you?  Pull up a chair and tell us about it....


  1. Oh, I love that quote by Shirley. Yarn with a story sounds like a worthy purchase. Enjoy!

  2. I've used some Knitted Wit before. It's nice yarn.

    Love the quote.

  3. I have a few skeins from Knitted Wit in my stash but I've not worked with them yet. Soooooooon.
