
Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Stitch Along Week 9

Good evening my friends!
So this happened last's a new medication for my psoriatic arthritis.  It is Siponi Aria.  I get another in three weeks and then every eight weeks.....So we'll see how it goes...the nurse said it could take weeks or months to work....but....
It swelled up pretty bad, and I could not use it much, so no crafting has happened this past week
It was pretty black and blue.  

It's a week later and it is still slightly discolored and still sensitive to the touch...

But hey today was Silly Socks day in honor of Dr. Seuss and I wore these....
My newest sock finish...Autumn Zombies, yarn by White Birch Fiber Arts.....not sure she carries this anymore, as I got it at Stitches East awhile back....never did a Friday Finish post about Ta-Da!

How was your week?  Please link back...thanks!


  1. Here's hoping the treatments work well for you and you soon begin to feel much better. Hang in there!

  2. Hope your hands are feeling better. Fingers crossed that the medication makes a good difference!

  3. Oh, poor you. That looks really painful.
