
Saturday, April 22, 2017

Stash Acquisition Saturday - Massive Update

Okay, first up...I dyed some sock blanks with my friend Maureen....I'm pretty sure they are all superwash, but beyond that..I don't know, she bought them....

I posted them on a Wednesday post, but hey they are stash too! Let's work backwards...recently received...
MadColor BAMF is River Tam, I never thought of River in pinks before, but I think it works
Nerd Girl Random Fandom in Swooping Evil, I understand it is from Fantastic Beasts, but haven't seen it yet...but love this colorway!
Knitted Wit's Her Story

Totem Pole inspired by Elizabeth Petratrovich of the Tlingit Nation and Aloha Dalire, a Hawaiian Hula master.  The Hawaiian one looks a tad Christmas-y to me...and I just borrowed Moana from someone to watch for the first time....

I have gone a bit Zauberball crazy....

Ended up with some Malabrigo Rios from two different shops!
The last two skeins of the Splediferous Blanket Club by Mother of Purl and Handdyed by Kate
Danny's Austin Seven and The Peach
This is the completed club, I've wound them all and started a mitered blanket.

The Blue Brick...gosh, such pretty gradient yarns....

Blackcat Fibers Soursop
Queensland Collection United...a blend of lambswool and cotton
Debbie Bliss Cotton Denim DK
Knits4Comfort Sonic Screwdriver
Some Berocco Comfort DK for a baby gift...
A green gradient kit from Sweet Georgia Yarns
I added another Top This hat...just have to make them now!  I have the dog, the giraffe, the sheep, the bear and now the monkey
Whew!  I'm exhausted, may need to take a nap...considering I have two TWO fiber events next weekend...we'll see if I can top this list!!!!!!!!!  I'll throw the link up, if anyone wants to add theirs, although I know it is late....


  1. Great stash, and FYI River Tam is a character from Firefly/Serenity.

  2. Wow, what a massive enhancement! Your sock blanks are really cool, especially the half striped half speckled one.
