
Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Stitch Along Week 14

Good evening from Parent Teacher Conference Week was an especially trying day...out of the five conferences I had today, four were for "not good" report cards.  Seeing as I've had these students for two years, I have a really good rapport with the parents.....and I had a student have a big meltdown at lunch....and mom is not happy about how it was handled and wants to meet...I have his conference tomorrow....(he is a child with a disability, and I am not in the lunch room during their lunch time)...sigh...tomorrow is another day...only two conferences.....then Thursday...which is night week is Spring can't get here fast enough......

So haven't done much crafting...but I did do some dyeing!  A friend bought sock blanks for us to dye!  So I spent a good deal of Saturday dying up some fun!
Getting ready to mix the dye...then we realized there was only one I didn't do this part...good, as I couldn't breathe in that thing (and I have a thing about having something covering my nose)
My second one....I don't have a picture of my first and third ones.....
Maureen dying, this was her second one.....
This is Maureen's last one....a looked like a sunset...gorgeous!
My first and second blanks, after it smelled like wet, cooked wool in her house...ewwww!!!! 

The bottom one was my first is self stripe and then speckled....let me tell you...I had respect for yarn dyers...and especially self-stripers....but man ALL THE PROPS....cause that is HARD and EXHAUSTING!!!!!!

I'm also participating in two Instagram is one...come on over and join....

So how about you?  What did you work on this week? Please connect back....I know Ginny has discontinued Yarn if anyone from there wants to play along with invite....

1 comment:

  1. Hope the spring break arrives quickly, you certainly deserve it xx That looks great fun playing with all the colour.
