
Saturday, September 30, 2017

Stash Acquisition Saturday

I went to a "new-to-me" fiber festival....I actually didn't get a ton..but first up...
Is Mr. Darcy!  It's from Ensign Brook Farm from a sheep named Mr. Darcy (the label doesn't say what kind)...such a gorgeous chocolatey brown, just like Colin's eyes (as his hair is getting quite silvery!)

This kit from Blind Buck Farm.  It's Leicester Longwool.  Every Tammy needs a Tam!

I also picked up some new pretties from a couple of favorites.
Hair of the Walker that Bit Ya' by Groovey Hues Fibers
I Get By by White Birch Fiber Arts (it's an olive green stripe followed by a rainbow smashup)
Resist Voldermort by White Birch Fiber Arts (ALL the House colors striped!)

And look at the cute little monster bag/chain purse!!!! It was in White Birch's booth, made by Woolly Mammoth Designs
Knits4Comfort had these knitted beverage holders.  I know Biscotte has been also advertising these, but shipping from when I saw this, I decided to get it...she let me switch out the yarn, as I wasn't in love with the one with the kit...
And two new Jessalu bags!
I also ordered a skein from Must Stash....awhile back she had kits with a bag and soap and this yarn..
It is inspired by the colors of eggs!  It's more muted than I normally go for....but I loves it!!!!!! So I finally got some Must Stash!  Would have loved some of her Star Wars one too...sigh...

How about you?  Any new lovely acquisitions to share?

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