
Sunday, September 10, 2017

Year of Projects: Week 37

Week 37!  How did that happen?  I haven't posted since Week 24.  Part of the reason has been this disease.  I never know when I'll be able to craft.  I just came off of two+ weeks of not being able to knit or crochet because of the pain in my hands.  I did crochet a bit last night, but my fingers are very crampy and I have some pain in my left hand this's very frustrating!  But that hasn't stopped me from buying yarn!

So this is where I was when I stopped week 24, let's do some updating.... (updates in BOLD)

2017 Finishes:
1/7/2016 P_ssyhat for donation
1/11/17 Quick Yellow Crochet Cowl
1/25/17 Quick Block Cowl
2/11/17 Lucy For Gfyindor hat
2/13/17 Zombie Valentine Socks
2/18/17 Zombie Autumn socks
2/20/17 True Blue Pussyhat
4/8/17 Four Bunny Butts
4/9/17 Lucy's Bunny Hat
4/9/17 Hipster Wurm
4/13/17 Live Long and Prosper socks
5/1/17 Perfectly Pooled Hat
6/4/17 Rhonda's P_ssyhat
6/24/17 Rainbow Beanie
6/28/17 Star Spangled P Hat
7/2/17 F. Cancer Hat
7/14/17 Das Monster

So looky there, I have 4 completed objects. I linked to Das Monster, because it is too freaking cute!  Go ahead, go take a look!!!  Also Gryfindor Colors!

Works In Progress:         
WIPS: Crochet:
Round Ripple: (Started 2006 (?) Aiden)-not sure he'd want this anymore, being a high school freshman and all, but I think I'll finish it for him. He is now a sophomore.
Around the World Afghan: (April 2010): about ¼ done - I looked at this recently and I'm still liking it, so I'll keep it...maybe make it a baby blanket instead.
Sunrise Sunset Afghan: this has been hibernating awhile, 6 squares done. I still love the look of this.
Tabard Tunic (NW Diss 2/1/14) - Haven't made a final decision on this yet.

Throwback Poncho 2/19/17
  - I pulled this out yesterday, will start working on it again

Fortune's Shawlette - 5/20/17 - I am almost done with ball #2, have one more ball to go..this will be huge!     

Learn to Knit Afghan: (started 2010): 3 squares done, I put this in the giveaway yarn bags..not thrilled with colors....will use squares at school for water bottles..

Shark in the Woods (11/27/14)- I really love this, but it's a lot of cabling and I'm not a fan..about 1/2 done.
Vanilla fingerless mitts (12/25/15) - Think I'm going to frog and do different mitts or crochet them.
Zombie Vixen mitts (10/17/15)- why I may crochet the others...have these and still working on them, again cabling
Garter Path Shawlette (5/30/16)- I have frogged this a couple of times...
Swinging with Winkle (6/4/16)- I love this so much!  Just need to finish it! Added a few rows
Meandering Top (5/20/16) - Totally forgot about this...could get it done to wear in spring...I think I was debating whether to do the bottom's not a good placement for me...
Multnomah (8/21/16)- stuck on feather and fan edging, have too many stitches, in timeout
Bulky Cowl - this hurts my hands to work on...think I need slippery needles...
Slopes Sweater- (1/1/17) 
Splediferous Blanket - (4/15/17) Roald Dahl club, mitered blanket - can't decide how big I want the squares.

Kai-Mei: (April 2012) - has not changed, not in picture
Carlos and Arne socks (July 3 2015)- using a 9" needle...keep losing stitches.
Espalier Socks (Jan 10, 2016) - started and stopped...not in picture
Spring is in the Air (2/16/16)- I love these, need to finish them!
Folding Chairs - (2/17/17) - Her Story plain vanilla

Zombie Latte Socks - (6/27/17) - need some zombie socks come Walking Dead premiere!
Just Keep Swimming - (6/16/16) 
Hudson Bay Socks - (6/21/17)

All my socks need heels!  But can't decide what types of heels, so start new socks!
I don't have project pages started for these yet....I'll get on that...
Splashy Flowers: (May 2011) - add a motif scarf, don't see that being finished soon...
Light in Shadows (1/14/14) - I love this so much...need to start the new direction, so need to sit down and figure it out..
Willow Fields (9/6/14) - ran out of yarn, waiting on yarn 

My Shelly Valentine (2/10/16) - should finish for this year's Valentine's Day, yeah, that did not happen
Sea Glass
(4/13/17) - a Zauberball shawl

Beach Bag: (started May 2010)  Just needs lining sewn in, I used it this year without the may just call it a day on this....

Fire and Blood (5/4/14) - not anytime soon
Outlander MKAL (8/8/14)  - possibility of finishing this..the yarn is so yummy

Well I guess that is about where I am!  I have done some crafting, but not as much as I thought I'd get done over the summer......Hopefully I'll stay on track with this....I missed it....and you guys...


  1. Hi Tammy :)) I joined the group this year for the first time and I'm pretty happy I did. I have some non-conventional projects going, along with knitting, I'm doing a winter garden and cheese making. It's fun!

    I LOVE all of your socks, I laughed at the heel dilemna...sorry for your pain, it's nice to see you're pushing through it. :)

  2. If it's any comfort, I'm a few weeks behind as well, only I didn't get anything done. I didn't even manage to darn in the ends of the socks I finished weeks ago. Love your projects!

  3. Oh my...all those heel-less socks. The ocd in me is itchy! lol.
    I am sorry you haven't been feeling well. I hope things are back on track now.
    And yes! Gryffindor colours!!

  4. Looks to me like you have the opportunity to experiment by trying a different heel on each sock! Go on! You can do it!

    Also, DAS MONSTER is super cute!

  5. Oooh... Das Monster is adorable. And I got a kick out of all those heel-less socks.
