
Monday, October 23, 2017

Rhinebeck 2017- Day 1

So Rhinebeck 2017 has come and gone (this will be a longish post with pictures).  This year I went up on Friday and stayed in an airbnb for the first time.  Someone I know had an extra was a bargain, $80 for the weekend....but it was out in the middle of  a lot of land and hard to find in the dark.  We were told to find the willow tree.....well it's pitch black, so can't see the willow tree....
willow tree in the morning
The place was charming, a bit rustic, but nothing too bad....and it had some beautiful scenery.

 I forgot to buy tickets before hand, so I had to wait on wasn't too long a wait.... 
I passed the llama corral on the way to the majestic..
Spent some time with some Gotlands....they just have the most beautiful fleece....

Look at that fleece, beautiful grey with almost an auburn.  She said that he is young and he hasn't turned full grey yet....
Then I had to stop by Burgis Brook Alpacas to give Alisa a hug.....and be photobombed by a styrofoam head!  
Lots of people!  It was so packed!  Many people started the day with their sweaters on, but they were quickly shed.....

The top part of the second picture shows just how packed it was.....
My friend, Maureen (whom I usually go with) came with her daughter and a friend, Diane (not pictured)...I met up with them for part of the morning.

Time for yarn porn....

Then I met up with my friend Lori for a bit...we both bought at Spirit Trail Fiberworks..she got yarn for octopus mittens...I got yarn for Beatha
She had to squoosh down pretty far to take that picture..LOLOL
That's Beatha at the top of the yarn...the octopus mitten is just out of the picture on the right.
Lori had to leave after just a bit, so I wandered around by myself. Stopped at Mayan Hands and picked up a couple of things...
The purple bag is made from plastic bags!!!!! It is also Fair Trade and helps Mayan women artists.  The family lore is that my great-great grandmother, Isobel was Mayan.  She was living in Mexico when she met my grandfather.  When I had my DNA done, it did say I was 5% Native American/Mexican.....also my Spanish teacher named me I now have this strange connection to her...I know she had a sad life, but not much else.....

More yarn porn

Loved this double knitted scarf!
I snagged a skein of that light pink/lavendar color from Peace, Love & Yarn...I happened to have my Peace, Love, Yarn shirt on that day, so had to get a skein! 
Day 1 haul:

Sorry, kind of dark.....I may do a Saturday Acquisition Post with hopefully better pictures....the purple fluff in the top left is a pom-pom.....that was the end of Day 1....

1 comment:

  1. Well, that place you stayed really was beautiful! And I think there was a picture of you in the day’s newsletter from MDK - You sitting in a big rocking chair on the porch.
