
Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Stitch Along Week 44

Okay...what a crappy Halloween.....NYC....I just have no words......I also had my infusion today...well, I was suppose to...two blown veins and going back on Friday...the past two times I've had trouble with it......I don't do well with needles and having to have it done multiple times is very stressful.....I've been home since about 4:30 and I'm just waiting to go to bed...

I did not get my Stash Acquisition Post up on Saturday...I was absolutely buggered.....this weekend is the final festival..Fiber Festival of New England in Springfield, MA.  I think this is the sixth year.  I'm staying the weekend with a friend and helping her break down her booth on SUnday...I'll post pics on Instagram.....

So what have I worked on?   a little bit of this, a little bit of that.....let's see what I have pictures of...
Sweater has a second sleeve's father along than this picture....
Finished sock one and started sock two....

That's about about you?   What have you worked on?  It'll be a day or two before I can knit again, because of the blown veins....


  1. Your sweater looks like it'll be really cozy. Sorry to hear about the uncooperative veins. Feel better soon.

  2. So sorry to hear about the infusion issues. I sure wish we lived in a safer place. It seems theses incidents are happening more and more frequently around the world. Love your sweater.
