
Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Stitch Along - Week 50, even though I posted last week, I did not provide a link...and I was a week off on the week count....sigh......

My ear is making me crazy, it crackles and bubbles contantly!  This is something new....I told the ENT doctor (who by the way, is young and very nice looking!) and he didn't seem to be worried about it....but it's driving me NUTS! Although it is not painful, just irritating.....

So all Saturday, I worked on a newborn hat...
I think it's big enough for a two year old....sigh.....I'm going to finish it and give it to a friend....I also missed a line in the chart.....

Then, on Sunday, I worked on some fingerless mitts for a gift.....
This is the second go-around, because was way too big!!!

It was not a successful weekend......and I needed to take yesterday off to rest my hands.....

Next week, we work M-W and a half day on student teacher's last day is will be a big adjustment.....but kind of looking forward to it......

So did you have some positive project experience this week?  Please let me know....

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