Monday, January 1, 2018

Day 1, 2018

Happy 2018!  I'm not sure where I'll take this blog this year....I've not been blogging as much as I used to....but here are some things I would like to do this year:

- read more....I'm not sure I finished a book this past year...I started a lot of them, but just didn't finish them.

- get a handle on some of my out of control out of control right now....but have had some issues due to pain lately...

- I need to lose weight, for health reasons and the Siphoni Aria seems to be working well, but it has been so freaking freezing cold here, I hermited quite a bit during this break.

- I also was pretty sick during this break, so I hope to be feeling better....

- I received some worrisome medical news from my mom, will know more soon, but hoping things work out...I'm in Connecticut and she's in Florida, so can't just pop over....

So, in response to the above picture....I did have to hunt through my yarn stash...see the Hubs bought some yarn awhile ago (2 years??) to make him some's Malabrigo Rasta...and I had NO IDEA where it had to go on the is my yarn room....
Those last two pictures? That's where I had to look!  I did find it, in the bottom tub under that....mess....That mess is now cleaned up a bit....but...I did clean up the other side of the room...and organized it...
Look how nice and neat that is!  It also was quite a mess.....small steps....and the yarn?
Makes a pretty big ball!!!!!


Meredith said...

Wow you have quite a yarn stash. Mine is much smaller and I am hoping to get it even smaller this year. Happy 2018!

Babajeza said...

Uiuiuiui, as we say, it things get out of control. You have quite a yarn stash. Lucky you, that you have a room for all the goodies. I wish you luck health-wise. Get well soon! Regula

Renee Anne said...

I knew you had an enviable stash. Mine fits in a closet. A very organized closet. Maybe. It's organized as far as I can be organized. With that said, seeing your stash makes me feel a little better. Or not. And Rasta is HUGE!