
Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Stitch Along, Week 4

Good morning!  I am home sick I figured I'd post today....

I have made a couple of baby hats, which I'll post on Friday....other than that, I've been working on the same two projects...
The Jessica Jones cowl...sorry for the picture quality...took them in bed.....I have just started on the second skein of Malabrigo's the linen stitch, which I love the look of, but takes forever!

And my Folding Chairs socks...almost to the second heel....trying to get my 11 sock WIPs under control before I cast on any others....but not sure that will happen!  I did buy a box at Michaels for my Box O' Socks for the Yarngasm podcast.   They all have to be new socks, so trying to clear out the WIPs....

I'm watching the Alienist right now, as Monday I was exhausted and went right to bed....I read the book a long time ago...and really enjoyed hoping to really like the be honest, I don't remember a lot of the it was so long ago....

So how about you?  What are you working on? Feel free to link up...

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mama; your socks are super awesome. I love how the yarn is knitting up!
