
Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Stitch Along Week 5

Good evening!  I've seemed to have lost most of my readers and linkers to this....but I'm going to keep plugging along....

I haven't worked on much this weekend, just keep on keeping with the Jessica Jones new picture, as it pretty much looks the same....

So, I think, except for a few rows on some socks that is about it for me...I did pick up the baby sweater again, but also no new I'm pictureless this week....

So how about some funnies?
Full disclosure, I can't actually get on them at work...and I don't even take a project to work, as during plan time and lunch..that's what I do...too little time in a teacher's day....but I think it's funny...and I am SO distracted by self stripe yarn right now....
Hahahahaha....see you next week!


  1. Love your blog and look for new posts all week! My daughter-in-law is a third grade teacher, so I know what the teacher's life is like! And I had a bout of rheumatoid arthritis 14 years ago, so I can sympathize with what you are going through (I was lucky, plaquenil was all I needed for medication). My sister goes to Vogue Knitting every year with some knitting friends, they stay for the weekend in the same hotel that the show is in. So glad to get the pictures to see what she saw! I am crocheting chemo hats, baby blankets, and washcloths for projects that my crafts group at church is involved in supporting. Keep it up with the blog!

  2. Hey Mama, I'm sure ppl are busy. I was working on my swap package for like a week and I'm so behind in reading blogs. I'm five days behind and this is just on Bloglovin'.
