
Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Stitch Along Week 6

Good evening!  Well we are waiting for some more snow to has not been canceled yet, we'll see if they do.....we are scheduled for a half day, but then they'd be dismissing the kids during the worst of the, maybe I'll get a call at 5:30 a.m., maybe not....

Not been working on much since the weekend....I did start a test knit for a stripey pair of socks, but haven't been given the go-ahead to post things yet....

And I did post on Sunday that I started working on the Elephant Reserve baby sweater again, but I haven't picked it up since Saturday....

I am hurting quite a bit today, probably from the incoming feet and ankles really hurt...and my hands hurt a bit....

I do have a post ready of all my yarn stripey goodness.....look for that in the upcoming days....hmmm...I feel like I need to post a picture or something....
OMGosh!  I started following #selfstripingyarn on Instagram...yeah a whole lot of new indie self stripe yarn!  I am very tempted!!!!

So what have you been up to?  Please link up and link back..thanks!


  1. My son's college in Albany sent out an alert that Wednesday classes are postponed until 1:40 p.m. Kinda funny that it is so specific, as if they can accurately pinpoint the exact time and length of the storm.

  2. I'm sorry you're in pain. Is there anything you can do to combat it? How many snow days are you allowed? How many extra days of school would they tack on at the end?
