
Monday, April 23, 2018

Monday, What Am I Reading?

Good morning!  So I gave up on a book this week...the second Sadie Hartwell book, A Knit Before Dying. It was a slog to get through and I just couldn't anymore....I got about halfway through before giving up....and we had already renewed it from the library a couple of times...maybe I'll get back to it at some point...

Do you ever give up on books? I don't do it too often, but I will....

This is the new book I am reading with my high group.  The main characters are two fourth grade girls, Drita, a refugee from Kosovo and Maxie, an African-American girl who lost her mother in a car accident.  It's a great book showcasing friendship, even if you think someone is so different from you that you have nothing in common.  Maxie reminds me of some of the students I have had and one girl that I do have this year.  I have had many immigrant students, but none that I knew were actual refugees.  It was a very interesting read. It is told in both of their voices, alternating their point-of-view chapters.

Also, VERY EXCITING!!!  I met Patricia Polacco!!!!!  It was a little over an hour drive for me, but so worth it!  She brought me to tears.  She talked about her love for teachers and how she will always have our backs.  She talked about her Mr. Falker and she credits him with saving her life! It was just fabulous! If you have not read her books, I highly recommend favorites are Pink and SayAn Orange for FrankieThundercake, and one of her holiday books, A Tree of Dancing Goats. Most people know The Keeping Quilt, which I think was her first big seller, but she has so many wonderful books, it really is hard to chose favorites.  I bought a couple for some friends, and then I bought a copy of Bully for her to sign for me.

Not the original, which is now in a museum.
It was such a great day!

We got an email from Barnes and Noble saying we had a credit for our nook and we had to use it by a certain I bought John Scalzi's Lock In  I've only read a couple of his books, Old Man's War and Redshirts. I loved them both...he just came out with a sequel to this one, so I figured I'd get it...
So I'll be reading that this week...

If you'd like to join are the people hosting:
Kathryn at The Book Date
Jen at Teachmentortexts
Kellee of Unleashingreaders


  1. I’m pretty hard headed in that, once I commit to a book, I usually stick with it (even if it’s to the bitter end). Of course, that means that I like to have a lot of control over what I read. Lol And how AMAZING that you got to meet Patricia Polacco!! WOW! I live in a very secluded small town and popular authors very, very rarely visit. About 5 years ago we drive 2 hours to meet Jan Brett. But I believe she’s the only big/influential #kidlit author who’s trekked our way in the last decade or so. When we lived in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, there were other visits all the time – even in our schools! So I’ve had to adjust. Thanks for sharing your recent reads and I hope you have a wonderful reading week, Tammy!

  2. Drita was a big hit a couple of years ago in my 6th grade class. I never got to it, but it was passed around all year.

    Jealous of your Patricia Polacco meeting!

    Happy reading this week :)

  3. I'm adding Drita to my wishlist. I didn't know Scalzi had a new book out. I'll have to check it out too. Come see what I'm reading

  4. I’ve given up on a few books this year. It’s always a hard decision to make. I love your photos! That looks like a fun event. Have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  5. I am green with envy about your meeting with Patricial Polacco!
    I know i have read Drita, because I purchased a lit circle set for our circle, but I don't remember much about it at all.
    I abandon books regular enough for all kinds of reasons.

  6. Patricia Polacco is awesome - I own most of her titles as I booktalk them a fair deal to teachers here. She is so prolific!

  7. I find that with all the books I want to read in my lifetime, well there's not enough time so I'd say if you have to force yourself to read it and your not enjoying it...put it down. You can always pick it up in the future if it piques your interest again.

    Angelica @ Paperback Princess

  8. First of all, I practically NEVER give up on a book, even if I don't like it. I am indeed just OCD enough to push myself through it, even if it's only 10 pg per day. I figure I can make it through 10 pg each day, even as I am also reading a book that I like! I am in a faith-based book club at church, and we just finished reading "I'll Push You" by Patrick Gray and Justin Skeesuck. It is a true account of how these 2 best friends traveled the 500 mile Camino pilgrimage route in Spain and Justin is confined to a wheelchair due to a degenerating neuromuscular disease. It was very interesting AND inspirational!
