
Friday, April 13, 2018

Sock Yarn Swap

So this new group I found is having a sock yarn swap.....I have received my swappee and have done some now I need to give some ideas about myself....

I post a Saturday Stash Acquisition post many Saturdays, so by looking back on those posts, you get an idea of what I buy....also my stash page is pretty up to date on Ravelry, just the acquisitions in the past month are not up to date....

1. I love self striping....I'm on a huge self striping kick right now....
2. I do have acrylic, but would not want it for socks.
3.  I do buy "commercial yarn," but most of my sock yarn is from indie dyers. I really try to support the small and local when I an indie dyer local to you would be all kinds of awesome.
4. My favorite colors are greens, all kinds, but particularly chartreuse.  I have been trying to collect all the shades of chartreuse.   Purples would be next, and I've actually been keeping my eyes out for a nice self striping purple or gradient for socks...Then autumn colors.....The only color I really don't wear is peach.  If I do pink, it tends to be either a rose pink or a fuchsia type pink....and I don't do pastels...I like brights....
5. Gradients and varigates are great too....I have plenty of them, just on a self-stripe kick right now...I'm seduced by those Gobstopper balls....I don't have much solid or semi-solid in sock yarn, not against it, just don't tend to buy it for socks.
6. I am a SUCKER for any yarn that is themed to one of my many nerddoms....just to list a few...Star Wars, Star Trek, Stargate, Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, HUNGER GAMES, Harry Potter, there are so many!!!  Jane Austen, Little Women, The Secret Garden (favorite book of ALL time) Anne of Green Gables (there has been a lot of these lately and I've gotten none - scratch that...did get some at Stitches United for a shawl), ET, Stranger Things, Travelers,...I could go on..and on...Wizard of Oz was my first love....I'd love any A Wrinkle in Time color or Patricia Polacco...(I've not seen any, but I'm going to meet her tomorrow - Screeeeeeeee!!!!)
7. I am Graceysgoodies on Instagram, but TammyG on Ravelry.....
8. My blog pretty much lets you know about me and my likes and dislikes....

I think that is a lot....and should give you a good idea of what I like.....happy stalking!!!

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