
Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Stitch Along: Week 13

Good Tuesday evening!  How is everyone doing?  I am doing okay....actually in A TON of pain today because of the weather...very cold and rainy all's going to rain into tomorrow, so I expect to continue to be in pain until Thursday, at least.  But since being diagnosed and being put on the medication, the pain is so much less....I mean I'm still in pain, but there were days when I could barely walk before I was diagnosed....

In addition, my best friend has been diagnosed with cancer.  They thought at first it was colonrectal, but it is anal....and she is very sick...stage 4....going onto chemo and radiation within the next week.  So dealing with that, trying to be strong for her, but having moments of such overwhelming sadness and anger....

So what have I worked on?  I have been working on my Zombie Valentine socks....and so I have almost a complete pair...
Just really the decrease and toe left.....but haven't been much in the frame of mind to work on anything...
I do have a commission from my friend for a hat...she's not paying me, but asked for a specific type of hat...I did get the yarn for it...but have not worked on it yet....

So how about you?  What have you worked on lately?  Please link in and join up....

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry you've been pain lately and are worried about your BFF. You're doing the best you can to take care of business and to be there for her.
