
Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Stitch Along: Week 15

Damn!  Had the post almost done and it disappeared...and even though I saved it,  but it was gone....

So, mostly I've worked on the three projects that were completed last week.....but have also made a chemo hat for my friend...she requested a green hat with a big flower on it...
I also worked a bit on my Irish socks.....
but I was also like this for part of the day on Monday
I'm a little doped up on a muscle relaxer....I have whiplash from being rear-ended on the way to work yesterday morning!  The weather was all kinds of crappy, as were the roads....
He hit me so hard, he cracked the frame of my car.....I was stopped at a red light, he said he had stopped, but slid into me....This is the third time this car will need body work....I was rear-ended a few years ago (again because of crappy weather) and then when the garage fell on my car (again, weather related!)....I love my little Mazda...zoom-zoom!!!

Oh and I also wound most of the yarn for those two sweaters......

How about your week?  Please post and link back....not sure I'll keep this up, as I have so few people linking up...


  1. Oh no on the whiplash!! Wishing you a speedy recovery! :(

  2. The chemo hat is adorbs. Your friend will looking so great in it.

    Nice work on the socks too.

    Sorry to hear about your accident and injury. I hope you and your car heal soon.

  3. The hat is beautiful. All the best to your friend! Regula

  4. I hope you're feeling better soon. Whiplash is no fun at all.

  5. Hope you're feeling better after your accident, since it's now been several days. It's the waiting for the car repair that'll getcha, though! Been working on a baby blanket for a friend at church who is having her SIXTH baby in June!! I made her blankets for the last 3 kids. Measured last night, think I only need 8 more rows to be a decent length. This weekend I need to work some more on an afghan for my nephew and his fiancé. I started it a year-and-a-half ago, but my knitting sister picked the pattern and it's vintage, with about a million-and-a-half squares ('cause they wanted it extra-big to fit over both of them as they sat and watched TV). I modified the pattern so that I can crochet a row with the squares attached, then I can sew the row onto the (slowly) growing body. I did 2 rows, then put it down basically for a year. My goal now is to do a row for the afghan each weekend, then I can work on other stuff in the evenings during the week. Have a great weekend!

  6. Hope this finds you feeling better. Love the hat with the flower.

  7. OMGosh, I'm so sorry to read about you being rear ended. That stupid dumba**. I hope you're more comfortable now since I'm behind in reading this. The chemo hat looks fun in that lime green and the rosette on it is cute.
