
Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Stitch Along: Week 25

Good morning!  Late morning, but still morning.....I am enjoying my vacation, so far....although we have a heat wave coming in tomorrow for 8 days....I'll be holed up in the bedroom, as it's the only room with air conditioning.....

Spent a great day yesterday with friends and colleagues at a friend's beach house...
It was a nice relaxing day...I did work a bit on the Sockhead hat...
It's getting there......

The past couple of days, I've also been looking at my Carlos and Arne sock was frustrating, as I'd put it on a 9 inch circular and it kept dropping stitches, so Monday night I put it back on Karbonz DPNs (I think I started it on them)...I also started the second sock....
I don't think they are going to match up though....

I also cast on my Koigu Colourscape Cowl

I have serious caston-it-is, but I am controlling it, as I have the Beekeeper Cardigan cast on in a few days....and I'd like to get the heels done on all those socks.....So how about you, what have you done this past week?

1 comment:

  1. I just added you to my list of bloggers to read on yesterday's post! Thanks for letting me know about your blog! LOVE it
