
Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Stitch Along: Week 29

Howdy my friends...I did not post last week...just because...I just didn't feel like it...and I really didn't have anything new to post....

So what about this week?  Well I finished the Colourscape Cowl!!!!!  Yeah!  I love it so much...I'll post it on Friday for a Finally Finished Friday....

I did start something for my swap partner.  It's a secret swap. so I'll post's the beginning of a pair of fingerless mitts inspired by Mrs. Fitz in Outlander...
Then I started one of the baby sweaters that I have to's another one of those elephant sweaters...
And I also have put a couple rows of the mohair onto this wrap.  I picked up the kit last year on the I91 Shop Hop....
I also got some heels put into a pair of socks...
So what have you done this week? Please link up....


  1. oh oh oh I LOVE those socks. Regia????? Great pattern. I would make mittens with please tell

  2. I've not been doing much spinning but I feel like I've been a knitting crazy person the last couple of days, which is odd because I haven't done that much knitting. Oh well.

  3. Wow, so many cool projects! I have done no knitting at all. I am spinning some yarn that I may make into squares on my little Weave-it loom.

  4. If you don't feel like it, that's all good. Do wha cha like. What a variety of projects you have here.
