
Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Stitch Along: Week 30

Good morning...almost afternoon.....I'm a bit late this week...which usually means not many will read it or join in.....oh well.....

Yesterday we went to pick up Fergus, our Timneh Grey...he is three months old....
Isn't he the most adorable thing?  We miss our Pionus Baloo...but this is going to be a whole new adventure...totally different type of bird....

So what about stitching?  I finished a pair of socks...that were started in 2015!!!! I'll post them on Friday....

I have also started another Elephant Reserve sweater for a friend's daughter.....
I've added a few more rows...I'll almost done with the increases....trying to decide if I want to do the elephants in the lighter pink or in grey...what do you think?

I'm also still working on the first gift for my swap's slow going....

This past weekend, we went up to New Hampshire for my aunt's 75th birthday.....Technically, she is no longer my aunt...she is the sister of my step-father and he passed away in 1996...but I've been part of that family since I was yeah...the drive up was much traffic and we missed exits twice!  And very bad weather once we were in New Hampshire
A backroad the GPS took us was poring rain....and the road was not completely paved...

So how about you?  What did you do this week????

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