
Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Stitch Along: Week 39

Good morning...I am actually home today....I had a really bad day of pain yesterday and I worked all day because there was an important meeting I needed to I'm letting my body heal today...I was still in pain this morning, but it has gotten better....

So I posted on Sunday for the Year in Posts that I had picked my Beekeeper Cardigan back up...that's what I've been working on this week....I now have about 2 inches of the 11 body inches done....
I really love this stitch!   I know there is a cowl and a pair of socks that also use this stitch...
So that's about it....since I am home, I'll get my post ready for tomorrow's..Once Upon a Sock post, especially since it is also Socktober!

1 comment:

  1. I hate reading you had a day of pain. Dislike and I'm so sorry you suffered. Your Beekeeper Cardigan is the bee's knees. I'll have to look at that pattern again.
