
Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Shark Week aka Sock Week

Have you heard about sock week?  Did you sing the song?  I don't even have kids and I sang the song...doo-do.....

Knitty Natty and Malia Made It got together to put this knitalong together.  The goal is to knit an adult sized sock in one week.

I bought the yarn from Malia Made It because self stripe!  The end of day 1:
I didn't work on it yesterday.  I was running around most of the day.  Today I'm not planning on doing much.  It's going to be a hot and humid day here, so I'll work on it more today...

I have bought two other "shark kits"  They've been in my stash for awhile.   Shark Bite 1 is all kinds of cool, but also some intarsia, which I've never it will probably stay in my stash for awhile.  I bought the kit from Unplanned Peacock Studio back in 2015.
Although I am using the stitch marker from the kit, as it's a little shark.  The stitch marker came from The Clay Sheep.

Shark Bite II: The Revenge came out in 2017 and I have the kit from Lorna's Laces.  This one I'm sure I can do.....

If you noticed, I also have a shark bag...
I special ordered it last year, during Shark Week from The Striped Tangerine....

I hope you enjoy shark week....and

check my progress daily on Instagram...

1 comment:

  1. I’ve done both of the Sock Bite kits. I think you’ve got it right. I remember the first one as being a bit tricky and I have done intarsia before.
