
Monday, September 9, 2019

The Yarn Loft

So when we moved to the Homestead, we first slept in what had been my sister-in-law's room.  There are four bedrooms in the house, two upstairs and two downstairs.

My FIL was in the room downstairs that was my husband's room when he lived here.
This is the last picture of him.  After he passed, we painted the room a teal color.....My husband uses it when he is changing clothes to work in the chicken yard, the garden or on the property, so it's a mess and I don't have a picture of it now...I found one when it was painted, but it's dark
The other room downstairs is what they called "the den"  Right now, we just dump things in that room that we don't know what to do is also the "pantry" as the closet is a bunch of shelves.

So we slept in what was his sister's room.  I now call it our room, as I'm trying to make this more ours, but he will still call is Kelli's room, on occasion....
It's a work in progress.  We are still bringing our things over from the other house.  We had just bought a house last year.  A two family house.  So now we are going to rent it out...but since we are still cleaning out this house, not all of our stuff is here...I do have a corner in that room for this..
And we decided that my MIL's room would be my craft room - Yarn Loft.  The room is a loft.  I get up before my husband and it's too noisy.  It is also very warm in the room!

So we had to move the bed out before I could really do anything with the room. So now there is a bed in the teal room, that can be used for visitors....or when one of us is sick...LOL....
And I've worked on turning this into a more usable space.  It is also my "dressing room"  The two closets have my clothes, as well as the two bureaus...
So the bed is gone.  I have an antique rocking chair.  Larry thinks his great uncle Bill probably made it.  I bought the little end table to have someplace to put my tea and my Zombie yarn bowl.  The sheepskin is from my stepfather and is probably 30 years old.  The room does get good light, but not for a long time...
So this area has changed a bit...I took off some of the baskets and added some other things to the top....The floor in front has a picture that needs to be hung and some bags with WIPs and my Namaste bag that holds my circulars.
I found this storage unit at Michaels, it's for markers and pens.  I thought it would be perfect for DPNs...not all of mine are there (many are on projects)  I also want to get elastics to keep the sets together, but haven't done that Legos are on top....The open area holds my stitchmarkers/progress keepers.  That green glass bowl I bought at an antique store.  It might have been an ash tray.  The drawers hold measuring tapes, scissors, row counters, etc....

Next to it is a 4 compartment holder.  It has my 9"in circulars in it, since I use those the most and some longer DPNs.   Then I have glass jar of sample minis and a vase holding my straights.....
My sheep collection and two baskets of already wound yarn and thicker yarn....Those three cubbies underneath are all self-stripe yarn...
Yes, we have a rotary phone upstairs that still llama lamp and near it is my alpaca yarn bowl...
This area is mostly commercial yarn, which I use for my amigurami and some baby items...see that yellow and brown striped bag?  That was gifted to me in a swap...It's the Yellow Brick Road.  It is filled with Brown Sheep, as I am making a throwback poncho with Brown Sheep Worsted.

To the side is a quilt stand my MIL had (she had two) and I use it to dry my socks after washing...
My MIL's cedar chest, which is filled with WIPs...this is where I blog, listen to podcasts and wind yarn....I also have my blue yarn bowl here, which I recently received in a swap. And then my tubs start...
I have twenty tubs of various sizes and also some bags and baskets...and then the yarn caddy in front.  I probably have 6-10 more tubs at the other house.  And in our garage I have a bunch of tubs with big box yarn in it....sigh
This bookshelf probably holds 5% of my craft books....we are not sure where are going to put our -books.  The Hubs and I are READERS and we have lots of books.....there is a built-in floor to ceiling bookshelf in "the den" but we are not using it yet...because it has to be cleaned out...
My bags from various vendors/shops....
And the top of my bureau has my POPS, my mystery minis (I have more) and my bad-ass females..and some okay guys too.....

The Yarn Loft is the two windows on the second floor.   The Teal room are the windows to the right on the ground floor. 

This house was built to my MIL's specifications.  She saw the plans for this house in a newspaper when she was younger, she cut them out and saved them.  When they got the land and built the house, she gave the plans to the contractor....and low The Homestead was born (they did not call it that, but the Hubs and I have called it that for years)

Hope you've enjoyed this little is a still a work in progress...I want a comfy chair for the Loft, but that will have to wait for now.....


  1. I loved taking a tour of your home! It's helpful to see someone else's house in progress (as ours is very much at the moment). Your Yarn Loft inspires me to get my yarn room finished off. It needs painting and some stuff removed. Seeing your pretty room (even though it's still in progress) gives me hope that mine could possibly look pretty too. Some day. Thank you for sharing what you're up to, Tammy!

  2. It's beautiful house. I love love love it.
    You've got a lot of yarn! :-) All the best with moving. Regula

  3. The photo of the front of the house makes me feel very warm and invited. Your craft loft is splendid and with LED bulbs in your lamps, it would be well lit year round. Does the homestead have a bug country kitchen too? I think you win the prize for biggest stash lol. You have it organized quite well.

  4. It is a wonderful house and I am glad you are making it your own. Your new studio space is wonderful.

  5. I loved seeing a tour of your home. It is really coming together and how lovely to have a whole room for your crafts. Using tied yarn on your DPNs maybe better than elastic bands, as if you don’t use them often the bands can perish and leave sticky residue. Hair bands that are coated may be better.

  6. I love seeing your 'homestead'! It's a gorgeous one. I also like the Yarn loft! It's huge and you have lots of stuff. I'm trying to organize my yarns and I've tried putting them on the shelf but when I take one out the rest follow...bad idea....back to the plastic bins, I guess. A glassed in bookcase would be the best I think. YOu have beautiful views and how exciting to be able to take your time moving in and getting things just the way you want. Keep showing us "the homestead" and your yarn loft!
