
Sunday, December 15, 2019

Year of Projects, Year 6, Week 49

Good I missed a week...I had stuff to post, just not the energy to post....and my wifi sucks...if you've tried following my vlogmas, last Sunday, I could not get it to upload....I finally got four days of vlogmas uploaded on Thursday, when I went and hung out at McDonalds and used their wifi!!!  But here is yesterday's if interested...the rest are uploaded on youtube...
Sunday is the worst day of the week for my wifi for some reason....

I have been busy!!!!!  I'm gonna stop and take pictures, because they are on my phone...and see the aforementioned wifi issues....brb.....

I put rows on several socks.....
Grinchmas is ready for the heel....I pulled out several minis last night to match with socks.  This lime green was with another pair, but pulled it for this one....
I thought these were at the heels, but pulled them out last night and realized I needed a few more inches....(this is what I was doing while my 14 minute vlogmas video took 2.5 hours to upload!)
And I haven't gotten Wham'd yet, but that could be because I have been avoiding Christmas music..LOL...this is about ready for a heel...
I pulled this one out during last night's session and added a few more rows....

I worked on Breeze....this is super simple and I know I will use this constantly, but I have no motivation for it......
I gnomed....2 or 3 more and then I'm done....need to put some bells on and maybe some beading...but that's a BIG maybe...
Ready to decrease for the toe
This is going in time-out....It's suppose to be the Litmus Cowl.  But just reading it again, she used 5g skeins and I think mine are 20 g skeins...and I don't like the gauge.  I've already pulled it out once and went down a needle size...but now I'm thinking of doing Adventuresome Wrap, as I saw someone's on vlogmas and it was gorgeous! And the pattern is on

I think that is it...while recently hunting through my stash found a started cowl...just a simple garter cowl in Lion Brand Thick and Quick....pulled that out and it's what I've been working on while the pictures upload....think I'll finish it and gift it....

okay that's it for now...if you have the time to watch my vlogmas, that would be awesome..please leave a comment...most are shorter than 5 minutes...a couple are longer....thanks!

2019 Finishes!!!!!
Muertos: 8/13/17-1/19/19
Who Socks: 10/7/18-1/22/19 (the Who socks were never on my list)
My Shelly Valentine: 2/10/16-2/9/19 (almost three years exactly!!!)
Alpaca Fun: 2/24/19-3/3/19
Green is the Best: 12/23/18-3/10/19
Willow Fields: 9/6.14-3/16/19
Lucy's Zebra 7/5-7/6/19
Black Widow Shawl 5/5/19-7/12/19
Lucy's Elephant Reserve 7/24/18-8/2/19
Shark Socks 7/28/19-8/12/19 
Swedish Block 8/20/19 - 8/24/19
Garter stitch block 8/24/19
Samples 8/28/19 finished
Throwback Poncho October 12, 2019
Mixed PomPom Hat October 13, 2019
Brainzzz - October 26, 2019
Bulky Cowl - Nov 9, 2019
Candy Cane socks - Nov 11, 2019
Santa Baby - Nov 20, 2019

Works In Progress:         
WIPS: Crochet:
Round Ripple: (Started 2006 (?) Aiden)-not sure he'd want this anymore, being a high school freshman and all, but I think I'll finish it for him. He is now a sophomore.
Around the World Afghan: (April 2010): about ¼ done - I looked at this recently and I'm still liking it, so I'll keep it...maybe make it a baby blanket instead.
Sunrise Sunset Afghan: this has been hibernating awhile, 6 squares done. I still love the look of this.
Tabard Tunic (NW Diss 2/1/14) - Haven't made a final decision on this yet.
Venetian Cowl (July 1, 2018)

Learn to Knit Afghan: (started 2010): 3 squares done, I put this in the giveaway yarn bags..not thrilled with colors....will use squares at school for water bottles..
Shark in the Woods (11/27/14)- I really love this, but it's a lot of cabling and I'm not a fan..about 1/2 done.
Vanilla fingerless mitts (12/25/15) - Think I'm going to frog and do different mitts or crochet them.
Zombie Vixen mitts (10/17/15)- still working on them, again cabling
Garter Path Shawlette (5/30/16)- I have frogged this a couple of times...
Swinging with Winkle (6/4/16)- I love this so much!  Just need to finish it! Added a few rows
Meandering Top (5/20/16) - Took it out, at the separation of arms, looks really big!
Bulky Cowl - this hurts my hands to work on...think I need slippery needles...
Splediferous Blanket - (4/15/17) Roald Dahl club, mitered blanket
Selbu Mitts - 3/26/18

Beekeeper Cardigan - 7/1/18
Knits4Comfort Advent Shawl: 12/13/18
Breeze 11/16/19

Kai-Mei: (April 2012) - has not changed, 
Espalier Socks (Jan 10, 2016) - started and stopped...
2017Games Socks- 2/15/18
Cloudy Rainbows - 5/11/18 
Sunny Skies - 5/12/18
Zombie Candy Corn - Oct 7, 2018Merry Xmas - Box O'Chocolates: 2/9/19, frogged 7/21/19
Snow Day: 3/4/19
Merfolk: 7/25/19
Monster Mash: 8/16/19 (cuff started awhile ago)
Merry Knitmas - 10/1/19
Rhinebeck Socks - 10/6/19

Splashy Flowers: (May 2011) - add a motif scarf, don't see that being finished soon...
Light in Shadows (1/14/14) - I love this so much...need to start the new direction, so need to sit down and figure it out..

Beach Bag: (started May 2010)  Just needs lining sewn in, I used it this year without the may just call it a day on this.... 

Fire and Blood (5/4/14) - not anytime soon
Outlander MKAL (8/8/14)  - possibility of finishing this..the yarn is so yummy


  1. You put a lot of rows on a lot of items. Sorry to hear about the crappy wifi.

  2. Oh my gosh, look at the gnomes! The socks are all fab, but ... look at the gnomes!

  3. So many fun and colorful things! Love the gnomes and the many colors of striped socks! :)

  4. So many socks!!! Those gnomes are precious. Here's hoping your wifi situation sorts itself out. It is so frustrating when trying to post and wifi won't cooperate. But hey - yay for McDonalds. When we travel we often go there for a latte and to use their wifi to stay in touch with family.

  5. Oh my goodness, so many projects you’re making progress on, I’ve been considering the litmus cowl for my minis but they are 10g. Perhaps if they aren’t so many stitches wide with the smaller skeins you’d get the same effect? The socks and gnomes all look great.
