
Sunday, March 22, 2020

Year of Projects: Year Seven, Week 12

Hello!  How is everyone doing out in Chrono Virus land?  So we have been out of school for a week and we now have now "back to school" date.  When we first left, they said we'd be back on the 30th....yeah, that is not happening.  Many of us feel as if we are out for the year.  We actually may go back, as our last day is not until June 19..plenty of time....We have one week of planning and then virtual learning starts on the's a new world, people!

I have not been crafting on much...I did finish Dobby and his sock...
I also made two gnomes.  I didn't use a pattern, just kind of remembered the previous pattern and added some of my own is green for St. Patrick's Day..the other is a gift, I have to get him shipped out...

I've been working on my Breeze shawl, I've also cast on three new projects.  A Wee Cria for a baby, a another shawl/poncho thing for me, and a new pictures right now...

So that is what has been happening here.....

2020 Completed Projects:
Merry Knitmas - 1/25/2020
Box O' Chocolates - 2/23/2020
Sunny Skies - 2/29/2020
Dobby  - 2/20/2020
Gnomes - 2/20/2020

Works In Progress:         
WIPS: Crochet:
Round Ripple: (Started 2006 (?) Aiden is now a maybe I finish it for him to take to college?
Around the World Afghan: (April 2010): about ¼ done - I'm not even sure where this is at the moment, with projects in two places.  I'll think on this.
Sunrise Sunset Afghan: this has been hibernating awhile, 6 squares done. I still love the look of this. Don't think this is at the Homestead, will have to check.
Tabard Tunic (NW Diss 2/1/14) - Haven't made a final decision on this yet.

Venetian Cowl (July 1, 2018) I love this, but the stitch just takes a Loooong time!
Billy shoes - Jan 1, 2019

Shark in the Woods (11/27/14)- I really love this, but it's a lot of cabling and I'm not a fan..about 1/2 done.
Vanilla fingerless mitts (12/25/15) - Started the second one, past the thumb point..
Zombie Vixen mitts (10/17/15)- still working on them, again cabling, review these, maybe done for St, Patrick'S Day
Meandering Top (5/20/16) - Took it out, at the separation of arms, looks really big!
Bulky Cowl - this hurts my hands to work on...think I need slippery needles...
Splediferous Blanket - (4/15/17) Roald Dahl club, frogged the mitered and changed the pattern (jan 12, 2020)
Selbu Mitts - 3/26/18

Beekeeper Cardigan - 7/1/18

Kai-Mei: (April 2012) - has not changed, 
Espalier Socks (Jan 10, 2016) - started and stopped...
2017Games Socks- 2/15/18
Cloudy Rainbows - 5/11/18 
Zombie Candy Corn - Oct 7,  
Snow Day: 3/4/19
Merfolk: 7/25/19
Monster Mash: 8/16/19 (cuff started awhile ago)
Rhinebeck Socks - 10/6/19
Grinchmas Socks Dec 7, 2019
Whammed Socks Dec 7, 2019
Patons Ragg Socks - Jan 1, 2019

Splashy Flowers: (May 2011) - add a motif scarf, don't see that being finished soon...
Light in Shadows (1/14/14) - I love this so much...need to start the new direction, so need to sit down and figure it out..

Garter Path Shawlette (5/30/16)- I have frogged this a couple of times...
Swinging with Winkle (6/4/16)- I love this so much!  Just need to finish it! Added a few rows
Knits4Comfort Advent Shawl 12/13/18
Breeze 11/15/19Zomboni - January 1, 2020 (restarted Jan 18)
Van Gogh - January 18

Fire and Blood (5/4/14) - not anytime soon
Outlander MKAL (8/8/14)  - possibility of finishing this..the yarn is so yummy

Beach Bag: (started May 2010)  Just needs lining sewn in, I used it this year without the may just call it a day on this.... 


  1. Dobby is so cute. Those gnomes are just as adorable too.

    Our schools have been out for a week and now saying next day back will be April 5th. Not thinking it will happen even then. Online classes are happening here.

  2. Love your dobby and your gnomes. Keep us posted about how your virtual school is running. As a retired teacher I am curious how that will work.

  3. Supposedly we go back April 20th, which is after our spring break....I'm not sure that will happen. We'll see how things go. For now, we're just all trying not to lose our damn minds here :)

  4. Dobby is adorable - as are your gnomes. I'm sure officials hope they'll get the kids here back in the school bldgs before May, but I don't see how that's happening - especially with the policy to only test the obviously sick. Since children, evidently often don't even show signs of having the virus, if they go back to school with no on-going mechanism in place for knowing who may be sick or not, we'll have done this social distancing for nothing, IMO. I do realize at some point we'll go back to some kind of normal, and the virus will continue to spread (hopefully more slowly since a bunch of people will already have had it), but I don't see how enough people will have gotten it, gotten over it, and be immune in time for it to make sense to open the schools up again this school year (given that schools here tend to close before Memorial Day). All that said, no one's going to ask me before they make whatever decisions they're going to make. I just felt crotchety there for a minute and had to get that off my chest.

  5. Love Dobby and the gnomes (that should be a name for a band).
    We are not expecting to be back this year (July) tbh. As a school though we are opening for parents of key workers and the vulnerable but hopefully it won't be too many students and we won't need to go in often. Take care.

  6. We just got the news that school doesn't start anymore this year. This means online teaching for the rest of school year 19/20. I'm glad we have spring break next week so I can get used to this new situation. I hope that my students are determined enough to study for themselves. I has never been more clear that school is a priviledge. Hopefully, many will make use of what I have prepared and are going to prepare for them even I am not right there to supervise them when they work.
    I find it difficult to figure out how much work I can give them to keep them busy but not too busy. I'm not sure yet how I can actually teach them new things. Writing blog posts? Tutorials? vlogs, which I hate making?

    Not in my wildest dreams ... It's just crazy.

    All the best! Regula

  7. I LOVE YOUR GNOMES!!! Stay well!
    it is almost 40 out and the snow from today just melted! WHEEE
