
Sunday, May 23, 2010

I Am Really Hopeless

I am a yarn addict....I don't mind admitting it, but I really thought I could go more than 12 days without buying yarn. The Hubs says it's nothing to be proud of...I have gone longer, but I had an itching to visit an unvisited LYS. I am making my way through all the LYS' in CT. I have been to 16 (2 of which are no longer open). I've liked almost all of them. I judge them on crochet friendliness, knowledge and tools, beside the all important YARN stock.

So I had to go to Torrington yesterday to pick up the amber that I had set in a silver pendant. (It's really cool, with bugs in it!) I have been to both Torrington LYS, but stopped by "In Sheep's Clothing" again to take some pics. Sadly, the owner was out, as her dog was sick (it was a sad day for dogs) But I took a few snaps and found some cool glass buttons! So then had to get some yarn to match. Bought some Ella Rae Classic. Thinking it's gonna be a cowl or a fall purse that I'll felt..

Then I headed out to Washington Depot. I have never been there. I went along 202 and boy is it Antique h***. Every third or fourth place advertised antiques. I stopped on my way back at one in Bantam and got a cool German painted pitcher. It'll look nice as a vase.
The rooster cracked me up! there were several!
Finally made it to The Village Sheep. A great store! I will definetely go back! Maggie, the owner, is incredibly friendly, as is Nate the store mascot. I bought some Cool Wool, which was the first store I have seen it. Also got some Regia Kaffe Fassett, that I have drooled over online, and a skein of Queensland Haze, made from corn viscose. Also bought some buttons and debated on another Namaste bag ( I have Zuma and Laguna) but didn't buy one. Instead I bought a small bag kit from J. Knits - mainly for the bag. But I liked the yarn inside and decided to try my hand again at knitting, but an actual pattern. Maggie got me the circulars I needed and said it was good pattern to start with. I cast-on last night and did a good job of it. I frogged it several times, as I want to put it into my muscle memory, but am also making it too tight...So today I will cast-on again and maybe get further than that...

I spent the day there and bought a book at "The Hickory Stick Bookshop", had a panini at a cute place (forget the name) and bought a belated birthday gift for a friend. It was a wonderful place and I'm sure I'll go back...

But, as I said, I am hopeless and set a new "Haven't bought yarn since" summer is around the corner and there are many unexplored CT LYS, ya' never know!


  1. I'm drooling over your beautiful yarn!

  2. It is so difficult to resist yarn. I know what you mean. Your photos are great. The yarn shop looks lovely. I love the little bag.
