
Monday, May 24, 2010


I got an unexpected email and it kinda makes me mad. Why can't parents talk to a teacher BEFORE they go to the principal??? It makes me so mad...I'm being called into a meeting, and the parents have never even spoken to me this year (I don't have their child, except in an afterschool program that was their choice!) It is not something I needed right now....

Now today I had some errands to run, and have not done anything fiber related. Now I am too keyed up and upset to do anything...maybe I'll stash some more....

Maybe I need to go stroll through People of Walmart again, something to make me laugh...

Well I just pushed Peanut's stomach and he went "Jeffffaaa Dunham dot com" which always makes me smile...


  1. Hugs for you Gracey. There is nothing worse than being blind sighted. Isn't it sad how it never occurs to many parents to talk to the teacher first? You would think it would be obvious. We *are* the ones in the room all day.

  2. Gah! I hate when people are passive-aggressive.

    Would it have really taken up too much of their precious time to take whatever drama their special snowflake was having directly to *you*?! Geez!
