
Tuesday, May 25, 2010


As you know, I buy alot of yarn...Sometimes I buy it because it's on sale, many times I buy it because the color or texture drew me to it. But sometimes I actually buy it with a project in mind (WIM = Work in Mind)

I have been stashing both yarn and projects on Ravelry. I try to work on it a little each day. Not all of my projects are stashed, but I've made a good dent. I also put up some the WIM with the yarn I bought intended for the project. Because alot of times, I find the yarn and try to figure out what the heck I bought it for.

Like this, I bought a long time ago for a pattern in "Crochet Fantasy" I still like the pattern, so maybe I'll make it...I've got the yarn...

When I started stashing I came across 4 skeins of Caron Simply Soft in Bone and 4 in Off-white. I don't tend to use Simply Soft, as it splits and can be frustrating. So why the heck do I have 8 skeins of it? Then I came across this and remembered I bought it to make this pattern. I have put a hold on all clothing patterns for myself, as I would like to lose a few pounds, but I don't think it would matter with this pattern.

But it's a great feature on Rav, that I can now come home with yarn and stash it with the pattern, cuz that's how I'm using it. It'll be there when I finally get around to it.


  1. Cute pattern. When I start buying yarn again, I plan to take full advantage of the stash feature on Ravelry.
