
Sunday, June 6, 2010

Maybe Knitting is NOT for me!

I just spent a frustrating couple of hours trying to knit. I re-cast-on cuz it had been awhile. I can cast-on like a fiend, but damn can't figure out the knit stitch again! I ripped everything back to the cast-on...I'm gonna crochet now...


  1. Belinda - if you stop by - I can no longer comment on your blog(something about being a member) and you didn't have an email addy..

  2. Did you look at any youtube videos? That is where I go when I am stuck with anything knitting:)

  3. Hang in there! (Thanks for stopping by my blog, btw.) That is a common problem - to forget something you've learned. When I teach a beginner knitting class, I give the students my handmade DVD in case they forget the basics. Rarely do we have moms and grandmas at home that can tell us how to do something! There are many youtube videos that can help you. Knitting Universe has some good things for beginners, too. I have a lot of knitting books which help, but I had to take a class to really get going.
