
Sunday, June 6, 2010

What I'm Reading...

The Hubs said this should be titled: What I'm NOT Reading, or What I'm Reading Through Osmosis, or What I'm Pretending to Read....He had a bunch of them...

I love books, about as much as yarn...This love affair has lasted much longer...I was a non-reader until second grade...I was taken out for "special reading" and my Mom says I haven't stopped since, until I started to crochet it's a competition...I'm not a fan of audio books, although I have listened to a few...I like holding a book and going at my own speed, fast or slow, lingering or skimming...

My step-father once challenged me, every book I finished, he'd buy a new one. It lasted a month, it was too expensive....I like to buy books, haven't used my library card in years....need to start using it, as I am running out of room for books...(the Hubs also reads, as does his mom and sister, we exchange often, but we usually end up with them)

The Hubs got a Nook, he really likes it. I downloaded one book: Sarah's Key and have yet to read it...

The towering pile is by the bookcase in the dining room (it's the biggest pile, but there are others). The smaller pile is on my bedside table with some crochet and beading magazines.....Under that pile is a shelf of historical romances, my guilty pleasure, especially if they take place in Scotland....

Summer is almost here, I intend on reading some good books.....but there is also some really great patterns to work on, too....oh the agony....

1 comment:

  1. Not sure if my last comment went thru. It said error. Grrr... anywoo, incase it didnt, you should check out
