
Friday, July 2, 2010


Yesterday I went to meet some new online friends. Thanks to Mimi of EskiminiKnits and her wonderful idea for a Blogging week at Ravelry, I have met many new bloggers. There are a few in my state. So last night, I joined them at their weekly SnB meeting in North Haven. I had such a wonderful time! I do attend other fiber groups closer to home, but just enjoyed their company so much. Plus most of them are on Ravelry and some blog. The other groups I attend, very few are on Ravelry and noone blogs. So it was a fantastic time! Thank you so much for having me!

While I was there I mentioned that I had an amigurami kit. I love making amiguramis and have made a few. I put together a kit, so everything but the yarn and the filler are together.

The books are not in the kit, but these are the books that I have used. Some of the ami's I have made are the skeleton couple from "Creepy Crochet"
I've made lots of bears from different books:

I've made this fish twice for different babies: The caterpillar was my first. I made the robot earlier this year and love him! I only have two that I've kept, the robot and a frog that I pattern tested. The rest I have given away....

My faces are still not very good, but I am working on them....


  1. That is such a clever idea. I have a cabinet drawer designated, but I am forever hunting for items needed. Glad you had a terrific time at the SnB.

  2. CUTE!!!!!!!! Sounds like you had fun!

  3. It was great to meet you - and thanks for the peek into your ami-kit!

  4. Thanks for the peek at your ami-kit! So nice to meet you!

  5. I'm really glad you came down to craft with us. :-)
