
Thursday, July 1, 2010


I have no idea how to do a "computer" screen shot. So I took a picture of the random generator at the winner is:

and that is: lalheg!!!! I will contact her next...

Now I know it is a little earlier that I said I would announce the winner, but hey things change and I figured it was enough time for those that wanted to enter...

And I am heading out and won't be back until late...Where do you ask am I going??? Why I'm going to meet some new online friends that I have made recently through blogging and Ravelry...Life is too cool sometimes....

And I decided to head out early, cuz it's a "beautimous" day and I want to enjoy the hour drive down and maybe stop along the way.....


  1. Have fun with the new buddies!

  2. Hope you have a fab time :)

  3. Oooh, that's me! My first win ever on a blog giveaway. I am so excited!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thank you very, very much

  4. Congratulations, Lalheg! It's such beautiful yarn you are sure to make a beautiful project.

  5. It came - and it's lovely. Thank you so much for my lovely yarn (and badge) - I'll have a lovely time planning what to make and will relish working with it.
