
Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Today I am hanging out in my bedroom, it is the only room with air conditioning. It's going to be 100 degrees with high humidity today...According to, it is 94 degrees now, but feels like it'll get hotter...

So excuse the craptastic pictures, as I took them on my bed...

I love buttons. When I was younger, my mom had a button tin. It was a sky blue with big yellow sunflowers on it. I played with it all the time. I ran my hands through the buttons, I sorted them, I picked out buttons to use on the clothes I made my dolls (out of old socks!)

I didn't have a button tin until last year. Now I have three places I put my buttons. I have a big plastic thing that I've used for several years. It lets me sort the buttons into colors/groups (i.e. baby buttons). Then I started putting them into a Christmas tin last year (I'm a big fan of Santa and it looks like a vintagey type Christmas tin) Then I found a jar that I loved and it sat empty for awhile, now my higher end buttons go in there....

I also bought a book last week to make button jewelry. There are some great ideas in there and it was only $2.00 clearance at Borders. I also found little packets of colored buttons at Michael's for $1 a piece. How cool!

There is a great children's book I bought a couple years ago called The Memory String. It has buttons has a central theme. It's also by one of my favorite children's authors.

Now back to the bedroom, where I have my netbook, but it's a little slow to load pictures and blog. So I ventured into the sweltering heat of the computer/yarn room to blog today! Enjoy!


  1. Try to stay cool! That book looks great. Great find and a great bargain.

  2. blimey that is hot!! I love buttons too... and my mum had a button tin when i was a kid :)

  3. I love buttons too. I have just started to collect them.

    Try to stay cool. It is hot over here at the moment but nothing like the heat you are having. I find it very difficult to knit in this weather.

  4. i know, right?! this awful miserable sweltering scorching weather! i'm sitting in my bedroom in front of the a/c too, and daydreaming of fall.

    buttons are so much fun; i used to have a big button tin that my kids loved to go through, back when i was sewing all their clothes. maybe i'll follow your inspiration and get it going again.

    stay cool!

  5. That book looks awesome! I always loved my grandma's button tin. Now I have tons of old buttons I can dig into when I need something for a project.

    Keep cool! It's just starting to heat up over here-- we're not used to it after such a cool, wet start to the summer!
