
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I haz a finish and baby haz a name!

Today I went to visit my friend K, who had her baby last week. They finally agreed on a name and it is Kailen...That one was unexpected, but I like it. I finally finished his blanket...

You can see the nursery colors in the crib border above the sweater. So I made the blanket to match the nursery colors. The bear (which I used the variagated from the blanket) and the sweater I made for the baby shower...

It's another hot one today, so I'm going to head to the bedroom. I've been running around all day....


  1. Oooh, that blanket is fabulous and I love the pooling on the baby jacket - did you have to work at it to get it so even?

  2. Fabulous blanket. And ditto on the super even pooling.

  3. Thanks! I didn't do anything, it just pooled that way. It is Plymouth Encore Colors in color 7143. I like Plymouth Encore for kids stuff, cuz it's nice colors and easy to care.

  4. Very nice, love the sweater!
