
Thursday, August 12, 2010

Another Day and a New Lunch Box

Although I have missed a few days this summer, I have tried to blog daily...Once school starts, I doubt that will happen...

Today it was confirmed that I will be staying in 5th, after a mysterious email yesterday...hallelujah!

I have a TON of unpacking to do...

All the stuff at the back is mine to unpack...I think I got through 10 boxes today...
The stuff at the front of the room (and some you can't see) is from the last teacher...her stuff will finally be moved on Monday to her new room...

It's alot of work...I'll be there all next week working on it...although Fridays the school is closed...

One of the fun things for the beginning of the school year is buying new stuff...I don't really need much this year, as I have bought tons in the past on sale and still have lots of supplies...

But I did buy my new lunch box, and a new purple water bottle to go in it!

I do need to get some things that will go along with 5th grade, but I really have so much, it'll be minimum...I need name tags, but I think I have some packed away...and I lost 2 students, so now have 30...yeah!!!

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