
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Tired, hot, cranky and in pain....

Today I started working on my's a mess...I'm moving into a new classroom/grade level...

However things are still up in the air about teachers, so all moving has come to a stop. However school starts in a couple of weeks. Next week is the only week we have to work on our rooms, as the follwing week we have professional development....And we only have 4 days, as the schools are closed on Fridays in the summer....

SO I have half the stuff from the last teacher still in my room, al the grade stuff was moved with my stuff, so I have to seperate it and sending back to grade 3, plus I have two or more sets of all language arts stuff that I need to seperate....I'm never going to be done!!!!!!

Then I had my gums scraped at dentist, the Novacaine is wearing off....

But I have a great new book, I'm almost done with: "The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel PPie Society." I bought it at Grand Central to read on the way back....EXCELLENT book and fast read, almost done.....

1 comment:

  1. Nothing that includes the phrase "had my gums scraped" can come to any good!!!!! I hope the classroom drama settles down very soon and you feel better, too. Yikes. Made my butt squinch up, just reading those words.
