
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Day Date in NYC

Today was possibly the last "day date" for the Hubs and I for awhile. He will be working two jobs for a couple of months. I start back to school in a little over a week. I am moving to a new grade level, so will be spending lots of time learning curriculum and writing new lesson plans for my 32 students!

Today we ventured to NYC. The Hubs is NOT a fan of the city and the last time he was there was YEARS ago when my Aunt Kathy still lived there....

But a friend told us about The Tenement Museum a couple years ago and we have talked about going...he suggested it this time...

I found it very interesting, but after a while, the Hubs said it was "blah, blah, blah" to him....It was hot and he does not do well in the heat either...he is a furnace on regular days, so when it is a hot, he is just miserable...

It was an hour long tour and we saw two examples of tenement apartments. We went on the "Getting By" tour. I love this stuff and have traced my own I did enjoy it....He enjoyed it, but would have liked to have seen more...

When we arrived at Grand Central, something was being filmed...the actress was mouthing words as if singing. I did not recognize her. All the times I've been to New York, I think this is the first time I saw something being filmed...Lots of people were standing around watching and taking pics/videos.../>

The last couple of pictures were taken in subway stations. The Hubs trying to run away from a picture...and some artwork that we spotted.....I had to take a picture of the monkeys for Mimi of Eskimimiknits I thought of her when I saw them...I love the birds!


  1. Oh! hehe, I LOVE things like that - isn't it just wonderful when a place goes hat extra mile to make a place that is usually not so appealing look welcoming? Fun, even! The troop of Monkey's is quite wonderful! :D

  2. Looks like you had a lot of fun.

    One time when two of my sisters, my BIL, hubby and I went down to NYC, we were coming out of Grand Central Station and were told by this woman not to be alarmed if we heard a lound bang. There was also a cab hanging off of a bridge. She told us they were filming a movie with Will Smith (though we never saw him around the area). When Hubby asked what the name of it was so that we could look out for it, she said "I Am Legend".

    I've yet to see the whole movie, so I can't place what scene he was filming at that time.

  3. So your husband sounds a bit like mine. But I think I would of loved that tour, and so would my MIL!
