
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A Book Meme

First what does meme stand for? To me it's Meme, with the little accents - what I called my French grandmother.....

So I saw this on two blogs today: Nutmeg Knitter and wifemomknitter and decided I needed to join the after working in my classroom again all day, I have nothing to blog today...Although I was organizing the classroom books....

1. Favorite childhood book?
"A Secret Garden" Frances Hodges Burnett
"Eight Cousins" and the "Little Women" series by Louisa May Alcott
"A Wrinkle in Time" series by Madeleine L'Engle

2. What are you reading right now?
"The Book Thief" by Markus Zusak
"Married by Morning" Lisa Kleypas
and various others, but those are the two in heavy rotation at the moment

3. What books do you have on request at the library?
I tend to buy my books and don't use the library much anymore, need to get back to using it....

4. Bad book habit?
I do crack spines, if it doesn't stay open....
Starting LOTS of books....

5. What do you currently have checked out at the library?

6. Do you have an e-reader?
The HUBS has a Nook. I just finished "Sarah's Key" on it and downloaded "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo"

7. Do you prefer to read one book at a time, or several at once?
I read a bunch, usually around 4 or 5 at a time, but will have a couple in heavy rotation.

8. Have your reading habits changed since starting a blog?
Not since the blog, but because I teach, I have more time to read in the summer. Oh I read during the school year, but tends to be YA literature or teaching books...

9. Least favorite book you read this year (so far?)
ummm, not sure....Probably "The Friday Night Knitting Club" cuz I could see where it was going....then "The Android's Dream" only because there was a bunch of typos and other mistakes in the was annoying...

10. Favorite book you’ve read this year?
Easily, "The Forgotten Garden" I went out the next day and bought her other book. This has some connection to "The Secret Garden"

11. How often do you read out of your comfort zone?
I tend to read lots of different genres, so unless it was a book of math, probably not often...I am trying to get back into science fiction. I loved it as a kid, but stopped reading it as an adult...

12. What is your reading comfort zone?
Just about anything, as long as I am engaged in the writing....

13. Can you read on the bus?
Probably not....I do get carsick...

14. Favorite place to read?
In a rocking chair or on my bed...

15. What is your policy on book lending?
Pretty lenient, have actually been trying to de-stash the past year. The Hubs and I and the Hubs mom and sister are all readers and we have BOXES of books in our house....I'm just giving them away...

16. Do you ever dog-ear books?
No...and get mad when my students do it, and there are bookmarks available!

17. Do you ever write in the margins of your books?
Occasionally, my "teacher" books and guides....

18. Not even with text books?
Oh, yeah!

19. What is your favorite language to read in?

20. What makes you love a book?
The characters.....the setting....a good story, that's fresh and not a rehash of something else...

21. What will inspire you to recommend a book?
If I constantly reflect on it or talk about it....It stays on my mind...

22. Favorite genre?
I like most...I read the most historical romance, cuz they are my "book candy," but I'll read just about any genre....if I'm interested I'll read it. This stems from my childhood. We would watch tv and I'd ask questions about something I saw and my parents would tell me to look it up in the encyclopedia (yes we had a set). So now if I see something of interest, I'll pick up a book on it...

23. Genre you rarely read (but wish you did?)
Can't think of one, but am pushing myself back into science fiction...

24.Favorite biography?
"Band of Brothers" not technically a biography, "I'm With the Band" - all kinds of fun there, "The Love You Make: An Insider's Story of the Beatles" "To There and Back Again: A Hobbit's Tale" and several I read on Sacajawea and Catherine the Great - told ya' varied interests....

25. Have you ever read a self-help book?
Nope, can't say that I have...

26. Favorite cookbook?
Don't cook, if I can avoid it.. The Hubs has a lot of these books in that room called a kitchen...

27. Most inspirational book you’ve read this year (fiction or non-fiction)?
"The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society" my goodness, this book was great!

28. Favorite reading snack?
jelly beans, rice cakes, M&M's, Pepsi....

29. Name a case in which hype ruined your reading experience.
Ummm, I usually read the book before I see the movie...the hype about a book, umm don't really know...don't tend to follow the hype...

30. How often do you agree with critics about a book?
"I don't read too many book reviews, I don't care what the critics say" I agree with Nutmeg Knitter...although I will occasionally read a review in a magazine or paper, but just to see what is new out...

31. How do you feel about giving bad/negative reviews?
It's just my opinion, could be someone'e else's cup of tea...

32. If you could read in a foreign language, which language would you chose?

33. Most intimidating book you’ve ever read?
Not intimidated by books, but have been bored to tears with books...and there are books I'd rather stick a hot poker in my eye then ever read again (The Great Gatsby, The Old Man and the Sea)

34. Most intimidating book you’re too nervous to begin?
I'll try anything...

35. Favorite Poet?
Shel Siverstein - me too! e.e. cummings and T.S Eliot's Book of Practical Cats...ah and Maya Angelou....

36. How many books do you usually have checked out of the library at any given time?

37. How often have you returned book to the library unread?

38. Favorite fictional character?
Elizabeth Bennett, Jo March, Mary Lennox, Remus Lupin

39. Favorite fictional villain?
Professor Snape

40. Books I’m most likely to bring on vacation?
historical romance, a biography or "chick lit"...

41. The longest I’ve gone without reading.
Couple of months when busy with school - "pleasure reading"

42. Name a book that you could/would not finish.
I've given up on books, but gone back and finished, except for "Wicked" have not gone back to that one yet....

43. What distracts you easily when you’re reading?

44. Favorite film adaptation of a novel?
Pride and Prejudice the BBC mini-series, cuz it introduced me to Colin Firth (knew I'd mention him somewhere!) Jaws was pretty good, too....

45. Most disappointing film adaptation?
The last Harry Potter movie. I literally yelled out in the theater, "That did not happen in the book!" I was incensed and HATED it! The Hubs bought it for me for Christmas and told to try it again. I did, I felt a little better, but am dreading the last two, as they are by the same director....

46. The most money I’ve ever spent in the bookstore at one time?
A couple hundred dollars, especially if the Hubs and I are together. Usually between $50 and $100...

47. How often do you skim a book before reading it?
I used to do this all the time, I've stopped myself...will do it once in awhile...

48. What would cause you to stop reading a book half-way through?

49. Do you like to keep your books organized?
There is a pretense of order, but really isn't any...

50. Do you prefer to keep books or give them away once you’ve read them?
I keep certain books, by certain authors...but give the rest away...

51. Are there any books you’ve been avoiding?
I REFUSE to read the Twilight series...I saw the first movie and it was the worst waste of time...and I refuse to read the books...I've read other vampire stories...

52. Name a book that made you angry.
I'm sure there is one, but can't think of any...even went to look at bookcase. I do read alot set during WW2 and they can make me angry and sad....

53. A book you didn’t expect to like but did?
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. I bought it to have something to read on the train home. I had seen it mentioned in a review earlier that morning..Didn't know anything about it...and I loved it!

54. A book that you expected to like but didn’t?
Friday Night Knitting Club...just seemed same ole, same ole, and was disappointed in it...I bought it at a used store when dealing with a family emergency and figured lots of people were talking about it...

55. Favorite guilt-free, pleasure reading?
historical romances, craft books, trivia books, especially entertainment...I love trivia....

That took awhile.....


  1. My third graders came back for their first day of school today! Good luck in your classroom!

  2. what a great idea! mind if i copy this? i love this survey!

  3. I copied this on my blog, and posted a link to yours, since I found it here. Hope you don't mind :)
