
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Catching Up On The LYS'ssssss

It is almost the end of my summer, so the weekly visits to LYS' around Connecticut will come to a screeching halt! I plan on going on Friday to a couple down by the shore, but then school kicks in and I may visit a few here and there, but nothing like this summer....

The last one I visited was Mystic River Yarns in Mystic, CT. This is the second time I have been there. The last time was several years ago and I had my niece and nephews with me. So it was a rushed visit....It seemed smaller this time. It definitely had been changed around....It is a cute shop and they were very friendly. Nice selection of yarn. I bought a new one called Peace of Fleece. It's not Peace Fleece Which I've heard of from another blogger and so have my eye on some of their colors... There is not much information on the tag of this Peace of Fleece, so I'm thinking it's an indie person, possibly local..It's not listed on their website...Anyway the color is Peridot, which is my birthstone, so just hadda get it..

Then I got a new Regia called a "World Ball" I've never seen it before, but it looks like a Zauberball. Not sure why I got it, just because...

And last I picked up Opal Masked Ball, because of the colors - they called to me.....Which is funny cuz it's very pinkish and I am usually deaf to pink....

I did stop by AC Moore on the way home and pick up some Naturally Caron Country and some Patons SWS, because I heard it was on clearance......


  1. Love that peridot colorway yarn. It took me a very long time to really like the color of our birthstone. :-)

  2. I also picked up a skein of Peace of Fleece today. I asked the woman there to show me local yarns and this was one of the ones she pointed out. Said it had been dyed by a local dyer. Hope this helps somewhat!
