
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Exhausted, Sore and I won!

My body is so sore from moving boxes and unpacking. I finally have all the furniture in my classroom, minus 3 desks.

Yesterday I spent an hour moving the previous teacher's stuff out of my room, as the custodians had not done it yet. They also just cut down on our custodians, two will be at other schools this week.

I am exhausted and still have a ton to do, but I won my first giveaway!! Woohoo!! You can see the yarn here

What a great thing to wake up to this morning!


  1. I saw your win this morning, before I even got to your blog! Congratulations, that's some gorgeous yarn - the colors, so beautiful! And you certainly need more yarn....

  2. I woke up last week to find out that I won yarn! It's quite a great feeling isn't it!

  3. I saw that and thought it was you! Congrats - you lucky gal!! :)

  4. congrats on your win! that yarn looks very purty:)
