
Sunday, August 15, 2010

Mystic Outdoor Art Show

Today the Hubs and I went on our last "day date." I will now be busy getting ready for the start of school and he starts working his second job. He manages a Halloween store for the next 2 months. This is the third year he has done it. It's good money and he loves Halloween...

So we went to the Mystic Art Show today. Our first date 21 years ago was to the art show. We try to go every year, but have missed a few. We didn't go last year. It's a great day down by the shore.

A couple of years ago, we picked up a beautiful photograph that is above our couch. Both of us tend to be drawn to the photographs over painted pieces. This year we really liked a painted piece, but it's almost $1000! So although we have talked about it, I doubt we will be getting it.....

I did pick up some smaller prints. One of a cat licking it's lip. It made me laugh every time I saw it. I also picked up a print of flowers in a windowsill. She is very talented and I liked her bigger photos too...She travels alot, but I did not get any of her travel photos. She is here

I also picked up a print by Greg Stones called "Goodbye Sheep" It's a watercolor of a spaceship sucking up a sheep, called "Goodbye Sheep. How perfect is that! I love sci-fi and really, wool on the hoof! Check out his site, some of them are really funny! He a;sp has some with sock monkeys...

I also got a couple of bracelets, one made from a fork!

Of course, I did visit Mystic River Yarns also...and You've Got to be Beading, which was having a 50% off sale....The Hubs?? He got Kettle Corn and Fudge.....
The Wall of Fudge:

Some random pics of Mystic: The Hubs walking away (he hates having his picture taken), replica of The Amistad - not sure if they used it in the film, but they did film the movie in the area......

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